Sunday, November 25, 2007

My Cousin Birthday

I was having alot of fun on my cousin birth party.
Abt 3 plus the campus superstar arrive to my cousin hse and den we start to sing birthday song and My cousin Ben take the photo with his campus superstar friend, fans club and family, aft photo he cut the cake for everyone to eat. Aft eating we go play block catching with his campus superstar friend and they run up and down to catch tham and i was the first 1 to catch by my cousin and his friend, at we caught most of tham bt the Elaine, Teri and Fukuan ran to another block so we didnt found tham. So they three was the catcher on the second round and we ran up and down on the same blk and they didn't catch us bcoz we go back drink water and when we go out of hse and the game was over. so aleast i didn't get caught on the second round. aft that Ben show tham his maplestory account and den aft that they sit in a circle and play who is the murber.
And at the end of it i have took some photo with my N73.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

A Day at East Coast

Xue Ying, Xin Hui, Edison, Peter and I we go for a small panic at east coast we buy alot of thing there bt could nt finish it bcoz nt all of us are eating, and later on we go rent the bicycle for $9.00 each for 2 hour and we total rent 3 bicycle 4 $27. And i felt sorry for the girl coz they sitting there to help us look aft our thing and couldn't fun cycling with us.

Thursday, June 28, 2007


Life is like a ocean wave sometime big sometime small.
U alway got to believe in yourself and u can overcome,
anything in your life.